수원 일월수목원 조성공사Suwon Ilwol Arboretum |  창내습지 생태축 복원공사Changnae Wetland Ecological Axis Restoration Project - under construction - |  고덕국제화계획지구 3-3 조경공사Goduk New Town 3-3 Landscape Construction
- under construction - |  고속국도 제29호선 안성-용인간 조경공사Highway 29 Ansung-Yongin Landscape - under construction - |  김포운양 환승센터Un-yang Transit Center |  하남감일지구 조경공사Hanam Gamil New Town - under construction - |  평택시 버스공영차고지 조성공사Pyong-taek City Public Bus Garage - under construction |  설봉호수 아랫마을 주거환경개선사업Residential environment improvement project, Seolbong Lake village |
 석우배수지 증설사업Seok-wu reservoir Expansion Project - under construction - |  고덕신도시 택지개발공사 2-2공구 조경공사Goduk New Town |  야생동물 생태관찰원Wildlife Animals Ecology Park |  시흥장현 아파트 조경공사Apartment Landscape, Siheung |  애경그룹 본사 조경1st, 7th, 8th floor landscape construction for Aekyung Group Headquarters |  Taikaka HouseItaewon Private House Landscape |  벽제갈비 청담점Byeok-Je Cheongdam Restaurant |  배곧신도시 한울공원Baegot New Town Hanwul Park |
 동탄신도시 중학교Dongtan12 Middle School |  이태원 팬트하우스 루프탑 정원Itaewon Penthouse
Rooftop Garden - under construction - |  창원지방법원 진주지원청사Changwon District Court Government Office Building |  Mokdong-ri Weekend HouseGapyong Private House Landscape |  성동세무서 청사Seongdong Tax Government Office Building |  인천 영종하늘도시 '씨사이드 파크'Incheon Yeongjong Sky City 'Seaside Park' |  배곧한울공원 - 환경과조경 2019 년 9월호"Baegot Hanul Park" - featured in Landscape Architecture Korea magazine - Sep. 2019 |  위례신도시 '위례공원'Wirye New Town 'Wirye Park' |
 용산국제학교 (YISS)School Renovation Project for Yongsan International School of Seoul |  국수생활체육공원 조경공사Guksu Life Sports Park |  여주농장, 2019년 8월Yeoju Plantation, August 2019 |  2018 서울정원박람회 작가정원 - 8동 201호2018 Seoul Garden Show |  용산국제학교 (YISS) - 환경과조경 2018년 1월호"Renovation Project for Yongsan International School of Seoul" featured in Landscape Architecture Korea magazine - Jan. 2018 |  내포신도시 조경 공사Nepo New Town Park |  광릉숲길 2차구간 조성공사Gwangleung Forest Road |  SH공사 30주년 Partners DaySH Corporation 30yrs anniversary - Kunlimwon received Award for the construction of Nanjistream Park, a reclamation project that once used to be a waste landfill in Seoul |
 재즈문화거리 조성공사Jazz Cultural Street |  인천 용마루 아파트 조경Incheon Yongmaru Apartment Landscape |  진천농장, 2018년 6월Jincheon Plantation, June 2018 |  여주농장, 2018년 6월Yeoju Plantation, June 2018 |  개인주택 33-2 정원House 32-2 Landscape - Suji, Yongin |  여주농장 - 관목식재15,000 of different kinds of shrubs are planted in Yeoju Plantation this year: redbud, llex serrata, Korean Early lilac. |  여주 농장 - 2018년 겨울Yeoju Plantation in Winter - January, 2018 |  진천 농장 - 2018년 겨울Jincheon Plantation in Winter - January, 2018 |
 설승진 대표, 대한건설협회 조경위원회 5대 위원장 추대Landscape Architecture Committee of Construction Association of Korea selected our CEO, Seol Seung Jin, as the 5th committee chairman on Nov. 14th, 2017. |  주흥어린이공원3 Pocket Parks for Children in Seocho gu |  진천농장, 2017년 8월Jincheon Plantation, August 2017 |  여주농장, 2017년 8월Yeoju Plantation, August 2017 |  2016 시공능력평가 공원조성 부문 실적 1위Kunlimwon Co.Ltd., is ranked 1st in the category of the actual construction record of creating public parks in 2016. |  인천 영종하늘도시 '씨사이드 파크' - 환경과조경 2016년 8월Incheon Yeongjong Sky City 'Seaside Park' featured in 2016.08. Landscape Architecture Korea magazine |  화성동탄 '청계중앙공원' - 환경과조경 2016년 6월호Hwaseong Dongtan 'Cheonggye Central Park' featured in 2016.06. Landscape Architecture Korea magazine |  안양 '병목안시민공원'Anyang 'Byeongmokan Civil Park' |